Acupuncture reduces side-effects caused by cancer treatment. Patients begin to notice relief within 3 to 4 visits. Regular treatments are only at twice a week.
Acupuncture is increasingly accepted as a choice treatment for support of cancer treatment. It improves your mind and body. Your anxiety goes down while the side-effects are reduced. By promoting healing and reducing inflammation, acupuncture reduces your discomfort from chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. Empower your body to self-heal. Your increased health and well-being will help you be less worried and more focused on your quality of living.
Acupuncture reduces:
- anxiety
- depression
- cramp
- fatigue
- low grade fever
- low appetite
- nausea
- neuropathy
- pain
Patient Testimonial
Jay S
After being diagnosed with ovarian cancer and beginning chemotherapy, I began to experience hot flashes and night sweats. I was also suffering from neuropathy. After trying several medications to treat both [conditions] without much success, a friend recommended Dr. Lee. I have been coming to him for several months and no longer suffer from the hot flashes. His treatment has also reduced the pain from the neuropathy and I no longer need to take pain medication. Dr. Lee’s treatment has improved the quality of my daily life and I would recommend him.