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AcuMagnet Workshop 2015

Four Body Type AcuMagnet Therapy Workshop


Do you want to know why AcuMagnet therapy is relieving your health issues and improviUntitled1ng your health?

Come find out why AcuMagnet therapy works for you. Most of you have part information, which is how to place the magnets on yourself. In this class, you will learn the theory of AcuMagnet therapy, how to self-diagnose and diagnose others (such as family members, friends), how to identify acupuncture points, magnetand how to correctly place AcuMagnets.

 You will meet and learn with like-minded people who are holistically oriented. Dr. David Lee’s goal is to empower the public to self-diagnose, self-treat, and self-prevent many acute and chronic diseases. Dr. Lee has been exclusively working on the Four Body Type system in the last 10 years with over 30,000 patient visits. Take advantage of this ancient wisdom and natural therapy.


Advantages of acumagnet therapy: Acumagnet therapy treats:
·         Easy to learn

·         Easy to apply

·         Easy access

·         Portable

·         Reproducible

·         Safe and clean


·         Anxiety

·         Asthma

·         Headache

·         Hot flashes

·         Carpal tunnel

·         Knee pain

·         Low back pain

·         Neck pain

·         Neuropathy

·         Post-surgery recovery

·         Sprain/strain

·         Others acupuncture treats


Who: Patients who are interested in or regularly using AcuMagnet therapy. Family and friends are welcome. This is the first in a series of lectures. Participants are encouraged to attend all four classes since each class builds on itself but it is not a requirement.

Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Tuesdays of March 24, March 31, April 7, and April 14. There will be light snacks and refreshments.

Cost: $60 per person for the entire four classes. Study material is included. Cash, check, and credit card accepted. Please make your check out to Four Constitutions, LLC.

Registration: Please reserve your seat at or call office at 805-497-6200. Seats are limited to 20.

Location: Holistic Haven. 31139 Via Colinas, #205, Westlake Village, CA 91362. 818-865-1900. CLICK HERE for MAP. Or call Dr. David Lee’s office at 805-497-6200.

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