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Whole is Greater

Immune Health and Well-Being in 2021

The premise ‘Whole is greater than sum of its parts’ is intrinsic to natural medicine.  Just by improving the whole, its benefit cascades downward to the physiological and physical levels. In other words, the body is encouraged to heal from diseases by self-establishing homeostasis. Through thousands-of-years of clinical observation, Asian medicine discovered safe and effective ways through body-type acupuncture, food, and herbs. Other examples of holistic health are whole-food-plant-based meals and mind-body exercises.  

In contrast, Western medicine is a bottom-up approach. With surgery, it saves life in emergency. With molecular medicine, it controls disease. But does not enhance health. Perhaps, biogenetics using artificial intelligence can help to directly improve health.

Natural medicine treats at the level of whole, which is created from synergistic interaction of molecules. The whole is a new entity that arises from parts. An active ingredient is not found at the molecular level. Therefore, physical medicine and Asian medicine are incompatible, although they treat the same disease. But the difference in both is that one takes over the function of the body and the other empowers it. Asian medicine must be appreciated from the point of view of yin, yang, five elements, and body typing. At present, however, an attempt to practice eastern medicine through the understanding of anatomy and physiology of western medicine will compromise its efficacy. 

                    “Use complex nature to treat complex human being”

Asian medicine is designed to enhance life. It works with, not instead of, the mind-body to be more efficient with itself. The outcome is a reversal of internal and external diseases such as hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic pain. It can even prevent or delay cytokine storm, which is an over-response by the immune system to attack a virus but consequently harms the body.

Asian medicine’s strength is applying complex solution to the complex human being. Over a long period of time, nature found ways to balance complexities so that they coexist. There is still more to discover in nature. By using a pattern to treat a pattern, rather than cause-effect pathways, more can be accomplished. For example, acupuncture stimulates reactive points on the body so that the body is alerted to be more efficient in establishing homeostasis. Our immune, organ, glandular, and nervous systems have capacity to treat a wide variety of issues. Acupuncture taps into this ability to self-treat and self-heal. There are no acupuncture points for a disease. Rather, there are acupuncture points for the body to be holistically efficient.

Body-type acupuncture, diet, and herbs treat the whole, which is greater than sum of its parts.

Holistic health also applies to foods and herbs. Foods are mild medicine. Herbs are stronger than foods because they contain more phytonutrients to help the body to fight off disease.  Since we consume foods daily, their effect will add up over time. Meeting three criteria of (1) organic, (2) whole-food-plant-based, and (3) body-type diet, we can achieve greater health, well-being, and longevity. When food is not enough, we use herbs for a better outcome.

        “Phytonutrients are crucial in maintaining health and reversing diseases.”

Modern medicine is discovering the health benefits of phytonutrients. Protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, and minerals are for survival. When we lack these, disease ensues. However, these are not enough to elevate the mind-body to an optimal level. Daily intake of phytonutrients is necessary in optimizing health and quality of living. Even diseases stubborn with molecular medicine can be easily treated with phytonutrients.

Furthermore, the Asian herbs are a step forward to a greater health. Most modern diseases had existed in the past. Asian herbs were instrumental in reversing internal diseases. It is still relevant today because modern medicine cannot treat many diseases Asian medicine can. With the time-tested acupuncture, foods, and herbs, these stubborn diseases are successfully treated.

Asian medicine is a natural medicine that is relevant for the health challenges of 2021. Empowering your mind and body to heal through ‘whole is greater than sum of its parts’ is comprehensive and preventative. Our clinic works with your constitution so that the treatment is customized, and the benefit is lasting.     


Be safe and healthy,

David Lee, Che-ol Kim, and Sima Ebrahimi 


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Protect and Improve Immune Health

We follow COVID guidelines to keep you safe. 


Ways to Improve Your Immune Health

Eight Ways to Support Immune Health  

Have you wondered why some people catch cold/flu more easily than others? The health of your immune system has a direct consequence on how well you can fight off the viruses. We know that COVID-19 is same in many respects to an influenza virus and is also different. It’s similar in that most infected people only have mild symptoms. But it is more easily transmitted and more virulent against the health-compromised patients. Eventually, 30 to 70% of the population may get coronavirus. That’s why there is an opportunity for you to take control – Improve Your Health. Social distancing is reducing the curve. It is giving us time to build up our health and immune system. 

Simply providing a right environment for the genes to express for a healthier physiology means that your immune system, mind, and body will function optimally. Through the hundreds of epidemics over thousands-of-years, we have figured out some common-sense treatments.

This clinic had success in treating cold/flu for 20 years. I and other acupuncturists are confident that we can repeat our success. How do we know? It is because most of the herbs used in China currently are the same herbs that we have been using to treat cold/flu every season. Not only do we have the means to treat, you can also do common things at home to build up your immune system.   

(1) Daily physical exercise 

There are always physical things to do. You can go outside and use the opportunity to enjoy the greenery. In this spring-time, enjoy gardening or cleaning the house. Or take the live exercise class online so you continue to have the sense of community.  

(2) Have a good mindset

Your thoughts create an internal environment. Good internal environment improves your immune system. See things in a positive light even if you do not feel like to. You see the positive consciously, then your subconscious and physiological body will serve your consciousness.

(3) Anti-inflammatory foods

Minimize or stay away from simple sugar such as grains and dessert. These are the most inflammatory foods. High sugar causes dysfunction in the organs, glands, and nerves in the long run. For example, plaque in an artery is a callous response caused by an irritant. When you remove the irritant, the plaque is then significantly removed from the body only in a matter of one year.

Follow your body’s  sense of sweetness – focus, clarity, energy, stamina, and integration.  Whole-food plant-based food is what the body craves. We need to be clear on what type of sweetness to align with – tongue, head, or body. Tongue is instinctual and loves sweet and fat. Head is influenced by good times associated with comfort food, such as at birthdays and holidays. Splurging sometimes is okay, as long as it is sporadic

(4) Symbiotic with microbiome

Hippocrates said all diseases begin in the gut. We can also say many diseases end in the gut. Leaky gut syndrome is closely associated with a compromised immune system, because majority of immune system is in the gut. We need to take care of our microbiome. You take care of the 100 trillion bacteria living in your body and they will take care of you. There are 1,000 species of bacteria. 99% of genetic material is non-human. These bacteria work with and teach our physiology to be better functioning in this world’s complex environment.

Microbiome is symbiotic. They help us and we help them. They work with our mind, organs, glands, and nerves. That is why probiotics are important. Not only should you add probiotics into your diet, but also provide a good environment with healthy foods for them to flourish.


(5) Body type food ingredients

This Dry-Warm Type occurs in 25% of population. 70% are males and 30% are females.


This Cool-Damp Type occurs in 25% of population. 70% are females and 30% are males.


This Warm-Damp Type occurs in 25% of population. 70% are males and 30% are females.


A Cool-Dry Type occurs in 25% of population. 70% are females and 30% are males.


(6) Heat therapy

If you have initial symptoms of fever and cough, try a heat therapy. It is using a constant temperature of 100 to 104 degrees on your body from neck down. Viruses are known to slow replication when they are exposed to temperature of 99 degrees and above. This can give you time to develop antibodies before developing severe symptoms.


(7) Asian Herbs

Asian herbs are super plants that contain many benefits from their phyto-nutrients. They promote your immune system, weight loss, energy, and memory. And they reduce many diseases such as cancer, heart disease, premature aging, diabetes, irritable bowel, anxiety, depression, and the list is endless. Yes, it sounds too good to be true. But it is true!

Taking advantage of the time-tested herbs which have been extensively studied and regularly taken for over thousands-of-years. We have been using the same herbal ingredients for cold/flu that Chinese are using now with success. Not only do they reduce fever, cough, and shortness of breath, they also promote a quicker recovery.    


(8) Acupuncture

Acupuncture improves your immune system. Acupuncture has proven its effectiveness of pain, inflammation, and trauma recovery. In addition, it improves the internal physiology, including immune system. It will help your body be more ready to fight off coronavirus. China is utilizing acpuncture for COVID-19 patients with success. At this clinic, we had white blood cell count stabilize even with continued chemotherapy for cancer patients. 

Let’s not be overly concerned about when we will have the solution with coronavirus vaccination and medication, which are at least a few months away. Let’s resume our normal lives as best as we can by improving our health, immune system, and sense of well-being. For those who are less healthy and immune-compromised, it is even more imperative to use nature’s way of healing. We work with your body’s individual need to be healthier and recover. 

Stay safe and healthy,

David Lee, Che-ol Kim, and Sima Ebrahimi

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How to improve your immune system

Have you wondered why some people catch cold/flu more easily than others? The health of your immune system has a direct consequence on how well you can fight off the viruses. There is an opportunity for you to take control – Improve Your Health

Through the hundreds of epidemics over thousands-of-years, Asian medicine has figured out some common-sense treatments.

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Dear patients and our community,

As you already know, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is very real and it is everyone’s responsibility to help keep our community safe from the rapid spread of Coronavirus.  To help slow the spread of this virus, it is now more important than ever to take an abundance of caution to help protect you, your family, our community and our healthcare system. 

Because there are many unknowns about Coronavirus and things can change rapidly, we believe using common sense is the best measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19. continue reading »

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COVID-19 Heat Therapy

Fighting Coronavirus Together

Use this simple 100-104° Fahrenheit (38-40° Celsius) therapy at the initial onset of COVID-19 and common influenza. With this method, the body is given more time to produce antibodies against the virus before the condition becomes severe. After being exposed to a cold draft, some of us had the worsening of cold/flu symptoms with chills and feeling out of sort. Even an exposure to only 5 minutes of a cold draft sets you back. And some of us had relief after being under a very warm blanket overnight or longer.

At the initial onset of fever, cough, and sore throat, constantly keep an overly warm body. This does not seem to be a big deal but has a tremendous impact for those who are infected.  It is because virus easily multiplies in cooler parts of the body, such as under the skin and in the nasal passage.

Here’s how you can self-treat using heat therapy at home:

  • Drink warm liquid only. If one drinks water at room or cooler temperature, then the body will cool down momentarily. It will give enough time for the virus to proliferate. It takes a lot of heat to warm up water and your body takes time to generate needed heat.
  • Stay indoors. A cold draft will set you back quickly.
  • Wear a double layer of warm clothing to keep your skin from neck down overly warm. Constantly keep your body overly warm all throughout the day and even at night in bed with a blanket.
  • Wear socks and shoes in the house so that your feet do not touch the cold floor. Hands, and feet lose heat very quickly.
  • If you use sauna, jacuzzi, and hot tub, do not use it for more than 15 minutes to avoid exhaustion. Make sure to dry your skin thoroughly afterwards to prevent the moisture from cooling down the skin.
  • Keep your head cool while the whole body is immersed in high temperature. Then the brain is protected from its damaging effect. 

In this way, you are giving your body the time for it to develop immunity while slowing down the multiplication of coronavirus.

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and aspirin cool down your body. This is why keeping your skin and stomach very warm can prevent cooling except your head. You are giving your body an opportunity to build up its immune system before the symptoms become severe. Please check with your doctor regarding which medication you can take.

World Health Organization has some very good tips for COVID-19, which you may find by following this link. In particular, they have these comments: 

  • Taking a hot bath will not prevent you from catching COVID-19. (Our reply – a hot bath is not used as a prevention.)
  • Your normal body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C (97.7° to 98.6), regardless of the temperature of your bath or shower. (Our reply – the core temperature remains same but an increased heat to the skin and nasal passage slows down the viral replication.)
  • Taking a hot bath with extremely hot water can be harmful, as it can burn you. (Our reply: 100-104° Fahrenheit cannot scald a skin.)
  • The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. (Our reply: washing hands is for prevention but does not treat it.)

While I agree that Hot Bath Does Not Kill Coronavirus I have been recommending that a hot bath MAY SLOW DOWN the replication of virus at the initial onset of fever and cough. 

I do not claim this method will kill the virus, nor has it been peer reviewed. Possibly, the body is given more time to produce antibodies against the virus. Some of us had the worsening of cold/flu symptoms after being exposed to a cold draft. And some of us had relief after being under a very warm blanket overnight or longer. However, the advice given by a governing body should be heeded over my view.

We are OPEN:

  • To continue providing needed treatment for patients.
  • To increase immunity system with acupuncture, herbs, and dietary adjustment. 
  • To remotely treat cold/flu/coronavirus with herbs and self-treatment. 

We are confident that Asian medicine is an effective complement for prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

Stay safe and healthy,

David Lee, Che-ol Kim, and Sima Ebrahimi.
Acupuncturist and Asian herbal practitioners

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